COVID-19 Information for Employees

Updated 6/24/2024

This page contains information for employees about working from home, paid time off options for COVID-related scenarios, resources to support your mental, emotional and physical health, guidance for supervisors, updates to benefit plans, and more. More information can be found on the U-M Health Response site.

Face Covering Policy

Face coverings are optional in most U-M spaces. However, for optimal patient and staff safety, you must wear a face covering at the University of Michigan Medical Center and in U-M clinical settings in the following instances: 

  • If you have respiratory symptoms, such as a new, continuous cough; fatigue; congestion; fever and/or chills; sore throat; or change in/loss of taste or smell
  • If you have tested positive for COVID
  • If you have had recent contact with someone diagnosed with COVID

Recommendations for face coverings are aligned with the COVID community level for Washtenaw County, which can change depending on the number of infections. Community guidance is also reflected on the university’s Health Response Dashboard. To assess personal risk, faculty and staff are encouraged to check the page often. 

COVID-19 Medication, Test Coverage

Effective May 12, 2023, COVID-19 treatment drugs Paxlovid and its generics, nirmatrelvir/ritonavir, continue to be covered by the U-M Prescription Drug Plan, with no member cost-share as long as the U.S. government pays for these products. 

Also effective May 12, 2023, over-the-counter rapid antigen COVID-19 tests are no longer covered by U-M’s Prescription Drug Plan. Members have through May 2024 to submit reimbursement claims to Magellan Rx for eligible, previously purchased test kits.

Paid Time Off Options

Access to the university’s emergency COVID-19 paid time off program ended as of May 13, 2023. As of May 14, 2023, employees should use their regular paid time off, including sick or PTO, for COVID-19-related absence from work. Unused COVID-19 PTO will not be paid out or transferred to an existing bank of paid time off.

COVID-19-Related Absences, May 14, 2023 - Ongoing
I am a U-M employee who is: How do I code my absence from work? 

... unable to work due to quarantine or isolation.

Use available Short-Term Sick, Vacation or PTO.

... unable to work due to illness.

Use available Short-Term Sick or PTO. Once absence exceeds 10 business days or more, follow normal procedures to assess absence for Extended Sick. Use unpaid medical leave if no other paid time is available. 

... providing care to a seriously ill or quarantined family member.

Request Short-Term Sick Family Care, PTO or Vacation. 
Consider unpaid Family Care or FMLA leave for care of a family member. 

... caring for a child whose school or day care center has closed.

Request Vacation or PTO. 

... I work in a healthcare setting and was directed to quarantine (or became ill with COVID-19) due to caring for a confirmed COVID-19 patient. 

Use available Short-Term Sick or PTO. If the absence exceeds 10 business days, follow normal procedures to assess absence for Extended Sick. 

COVID-19 Vaccine

For information, including how to record your vaccination and where to get vaccinated, visit the U-M Health Response site.

Flexible Workplace and Remote Work

Find resources, including remote and flexible workplace agreement templates, in the Future of Work Resource Center.   

Supporting Child and Dependent Care

When possible, departments are encouraged to allow employees to work remotely and be flexible with arrangements. There are a number of resources available to help faculty and staff with child and dependent care needs. The university recently announced two additional resources to help with dependent care needs. 

Well-being Resources

Information and resources to support personal mental, emotional and physical well-being are available. Resources include guided meditation and relaxation videos, virtual support groups, mobile apps and online programs, and more. 

FEMA Assistance for Funeral-Related Expenses

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will provide financial assistance for COVID-19-related funeral expenses incurred after Jan. 20, 2020. This assistance is available through Sept. 30, 2025, to those who have lost eligible loved ones due to the pandemic. More information is available on the FEMA website > COVID-19 Funeral Assistance. Watch this informational video or call FEMA’s COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Helpline at 1 (844) 684-6333 for help.

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