Health Plans

About U-M Health Plans

The University of Michigan offers a choice of health plans as part of a high-quality benefits package that helps you stay well and protect yourself and your family.

Eligible employees and retirees can select from the following: 

GradCare is offered for benefits-eligible graduate students only.

Medicare Advantage Plans are offered to benefit-eligible retirees and survivors.

Prescription drug coverage is included when you enroll in any U-M plan.

Important Information For Retirees Enrolled in Medicare

  • You may receive materials associated with your health insurance offered through the University of Michigan. For Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, the information is related to Medicare Plus Blue Group PPO. For Blue Care Network, the information is related to Blue Care Network Advantage. This information is valid for your review.
  • If you have questions regarding the printed directory from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) or Blue Care Network (BCN) see the Network section of the Frequently Asked Questions page
  • If you have received two different Id Cards from Blue Care Network (BCN) or you have a dependent that hasn't received their ID cards see the Medicare Advantage Implementation section of the Frequently Asked Question page 
  • You may receive materials associated with your health insurance offered through the University of Michigan. For Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, the information is related to Medicare Plus Blue Group PPO. For Blue Care Network, the information is related to Blue Care Network Advantage. This information is valid for your review.

Choosing a Plan

Find the health plan that offers the most advantages to you and your family and then use it wisely. Before choosing a plan, consider all the costs involved (including both premiums and out-of-pocket expenses like deductibles, coinsurance, and copays), access to doctors and hospitals, and your anticipated health and financial needs over the next year. Please note that there is no out-of-pocket cost to you for preventive care under any U-M health plan. Members enrolled in a managed care plan must choose a primary care physician (PCP) when joining.

View your health plan rates.

Health Plan Coverage Comparison

For a detailed comparison, use the Health Plan Coverage Comparison tool, or view the Health Plan Coverage Comparison Chart (PDF): 

Health Plan Video

To help you better understand your U-M health plan choices, view a brief video. 

If you are a benefit-eligible graduate student, including Graduate Student Instructor (GSI), Graduate Student Staff Assistant (GSSA), Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA), benefit-eligible fellowship holder, or medical school student, please visit GradCare to learn about your university health plan option. If you are U-M student and not eligible for GradCare, you may be eligible to enroll in the domestic student health insurance plan.

Comparing Health Plans: Cost
Type of Expense Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM) Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM) Michigan Care (PHP/UM Health Plan)  U-M Premier Care (BCN) Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)
Type of ExpenseMonthly premium Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)Lower Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)Lower Michigan Care (PHP/UM Health Plan) Moderate U-M Premier Care (BCN)Moderate Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)Higher
Type of ExpenseIndividual deductible Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)$1,650 Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)$500 Michigan Care (PHP/UM Health Plan) None U-M Premier Care (BCN)None* Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)None
Type of ExpenseFamily deductible Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)$3,300 Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)$1,000 Michigan Care (PHP/UM Health Plan) None U-M Premier Care (BCN)None* Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)None
Type of ExpenseOffice visit copay Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)Deductible and coinsurance apply Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)Deductible and coinsurance apply Michigan Care (PHP/UM Health Plan) $25 U-M Premier Care (BCN)$25 Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)$25
Type of ExpenseSpecialist visit copay Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)Deductible and coinsurance apply Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)Deductible and coinsurance apply Michigan Care (PHP/UM Health Plan) $30 U-M Premier Care (BCN)$30 Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)$30
Type of ExpenseCoinsurance Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)10% after deductible Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)20% after deductible Michigan Care (PHP/UM Health Plan) $0 U-M Premier Care (BCN)$0 Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)50% if out of network

*No deductible in U-M Premier Care Network 1.  $2,000 individual/$4,000 family deductible in Network 2.  

Comparing Health Plans: Access to Health Care Providers
Plan Feature Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM) Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM) Michigan Care (PHP)/University of Michigan Health Plan (UM Health Plan) U-M Premier Care (BCN) Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)
Plan FeatureYou must select a primary care physician Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)No Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)No Michigan Care (PHP)/University of Michigan Health Plan (UM Health Plan)Yes U-M Premier Care (BCN)Yes Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)No
Plan FeatureYou can visit any doctor Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)Yes Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)Yes Michigan Care (PHP)/University of Michigan Health Plan (UM Health Plan)No U-M Premier Care (BCN)No Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)Yes
Plan FeatureYou need a referral to visit a specialist Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)No Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)No Michigan Care (PHP)/University of Michigan Health Plan (UM Health Plan)Yes U-M Premier Care (BCN)Yes Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)No
Plan FeatureYou can use out-of-network providers Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)Yes Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)Yes, but will pay more Michigan Care (PHP)/University of Michigan Health Plan (UM Health Plan)No U-M Premier Care (BCN)No Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)Yes, but will pay more
Plan FeatureYou are required to live in a particular service area Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)No Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)No Michigan Care (PHP)/University of Michigan Health Plan (UM Health Plan)Yes, check your eligibility U-M Premier Care (BCN)Yes* Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)No
Plan FeatureCoverage is available for dependents who live in a different location Consumer-Directed Health (BCBSM)Yes Comprehensive Major Medical (BCBSM)Yes Michigan Care (PHP)/University of Michigan Health Plan (UM Health Plan)Yes, with approval from PHP U-M Premier Care (BCN)Yes, with approval from BCN Community Blue PPO (BCBSM)Yes

*U-M Premier Care Provider Network 1 service area: Genesee, Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne counties, and portions of Ingham, Jackson, Lapeer, Monroe and St. Clair counties.

Health Plan Definitions

Coinsurance refers to your share of the cost of a covered health care service, calculated as a percent of the allowed amount for the service (for example, 20%). You pay coinsurance in addition to any deductible you owe for your plan. The health plan pays the rest of the allowed amount.
A copay is a fixed dollar amount (for example, $25) you pay for a covered health care service, such as an office visit, at the time you receive the service. The amount can vary by the type of service.
Your deductible is the amount you owe for health care services before your health plan begins to pay. For example, if your deductible is $500, your plan won’t pay anything until you have paid $500 out-of-pocket for covered health care services subject to the deductible. The deductible may not apply to all services.
The premium is the amount that must be paid for your health plan. You pay a portion of the monthly health plan premium through automatic payroll deductions.
Preventive Care Services
Under the Affordable Care Act, all U-M health plans cover a set of preventive services — like blood pressure screening and cholesterol screening — at no cost to you. These services are free only when delivered by a doctor or other provider in your plan’s network. There are three sets of preventive health services: for all adults, for women, and for children. For more information, visit

View a glossary of commonly used health coverage and medical terms.

Health Plan ID Cards

When you enroll in a U-M Health Plan, the health plan company will mail an ID card to your current address on file. You will also receive a separate ID card from Magellan Rx/Prime Therapeutics for prescription drug coverage. If you do not receive your ID card within 4-6 weeks after enrollment, call the health plan company directly to request a card. If you enrolled in a U-M health plan and need health care services before receiving your ID card, call the health plan company directly and ask about the reimbursement procedure. Until you receive your card, you may need to pay for services in full and then file for reimbursement from your health plan company. 

Pair Your Health Plan with a Flexible Spending Account

You may want to consider a pre-tax health care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to complement your health plan, particularly if you choose an option with higher out-of-pocket expenses.

Health Coverage while Traveling Abroad

Faculty and staff traveling on international university-related business are automatically covered at no cost by travel abroad health insurance. Learn more about your coverage during international business travel.

Coverage for Services Related to Infertility

All U-M health plans cover services related to infertility. Some services will only be covered if provided by the Michigan Medicine Center for Reproductive Services. The U-M Prescription Drug Plan, which covers outpatient prescription drugs for all members enrolled in U-M health plans, provides coverage for self-administered infertility medications within limits specified by the plan. Learn more about coverage for services and prescriptions related to infertility.

Transgender Community

All U-M health plans cover medically necessary gender-affirming services for members with gender dysphoria. The university’s coverage of gender-affirming services follows the health plan's medical policy, which incorporates standards of care defined by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and other professional organizations. As standards change over time, the health plan may re-evaluate coverage and medical necessity criteria, as needed.

The Benefits Office has designated a specific staff member who is a member of the LGBT Ally Program, and is knowledgeable about and sensitive to the unique benefit-related issues that transgender members of our community may encounter. Members with questions about benefit issues related to transgender status are encouraged to contact Brian Vasher at