
We are self-aware; we seek to resolve multiple demands, adapt to new challenges, adjust to fluid change, and are limber in our thinking in the face of new data or realities.


Take on a leadership role within a nonprofit organization to practice goal setting, prioritization, procedures, and flexibility.


Support your friend or family member to set a stretch goal. Work backwards to help them develop a plan with monetary goals, actions, and milestones. Check in to offer support or guidance.


Suggest a change to long standing practices in a group or organization that you are involved in. Share your reasoning for that change, using data when possible.


Share stories with your team about times when you experienced unexpected change. Facilitate discussion about how the change could be conceived as an opportunity.


Share stories about your experiences sharing stretch goals and the outcomes when you did and did not outline processes to achieve them.


Set a personal stretch goal and talk with your supervisor or a mentor about appropriate stretch assignments and processes to reach that goal. Maintain a record of your progress.


Serve as a buddy for a new hire in your group. Schedule 30-60-90 day check-ins with the new hire to document progress and share feedback.


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