Build positive culture

We are politically and organizationally astute, understanding internal and external forces that affect the organization.


Leverage talent across departments to fill in gaps, innovate, and optimize everyone's contributions while minimizing waste.


Join the leadership of an organization with many reporting arms (e.g., house of worship, national professional organization).


Join a task force or group that actively seeks to improve the experiences of the stakeholders served.


Invite the most skeptical member of your peer group to partner with you on a change project. Learn the basis of their resistance and help them to understand the importance of the endeavor.


Invite members of a U-M group you are involved with to share characteristics of their favorite supervisors. Analyze how those supervisors demonstrated and coached those characteristics.


Identify your unit's core values and reflect how you demonstrated them the last three times you were involved in making a decision either alone or as part of a group.


Identify someone you regularly interrupt. The next time you converse with them, hold your comments until they have finished. Should you find yourself interrupting, apologize and ask them to continue.


Highlight stories of interesting things that your team has accomplished to other colleagues in your field at U-M.


Highlight in a weekly email or other publication a team that demonstrates the mission and values of your unit. Invite groups throughout your unit to share similar stories for publication.


Have a constructive conversation with an employee who appears to be acting in ways inconsistent with the values of your unit. Ask open-ended questions to better understand the root of the problem.


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