- Where is the UH South Wellness Center located?
- The UH South Wellness Center is on the 8th floor of UH South. The simplest way to get there is to take the Number 9 elevators to the 8th floor.
- Why is Michigan Medicine building a new employee wellness center?
- Michigan Medicine leadership is committed to the health and well-being of its faculty and staff. In a recent survey, employees said they are proud to work for an organization that is supportive of workplace health and well-being activities.
- Michigan Medicine has partnered with MHealthy to build the new wellness center to support its employees in leading healthy and fulfilling lives and to make it easier to access physical activity facilities.
- Who can purchase a membership?
- All Michigan Medicine active full- and part-time faculty and staff are eligible to purchase memberships. Temporary workers and volunteers are not eligible. There is currently a wait list for membership.
- Are memberships currently available?
- Memberships are not currently available. If you are a Michigan Medicine faculty or staff member interested in purchasing a membership, please add your name to the waitlist. When memberships become available, MHealthy will pull from the waitlist.
- We will also review facility usage on a regular basis to determine if additional memberships can be offered.
- How much is a membership to the UH South Wellness Center?
- Memberships are only $10 per month. A limited number of memberships will be available. The monthly membership fee will be used to help cover ongoing maintenance and operational expenses of the wellness center, including towel service.
- Members can pay the monthly membership fee through auto-deduction from a debit/credit card. Payroll deduction is NOT available.
- Is there a contract and/or enrollment fee?
- No, there is no contract or enrollment fee.
- Who will manage the UH South Wellness Center?
- Michigan Medicine has partnered with MHealthy, the university’s health and well-being service, to oversee the construction, completion, and operation of the wellness center.
- What types of programs and services will be offered at the new UH South Wellness Center?
- The new facility will feature state-of-the art cardiovascular and strength training equipment, a space for group exercise and relaxation classes, locker room, showers and restrooms.
- The Wellness Center will also serve as a space for ALL Michigan Medicine employees to access health and well-being services. Membership is not required for:
- Tobacco cessation services
- Group exercise and relaxation classes (separate fee for service), and more
- How will members access the new wellness center?
- The wellness center uses a card-reader system. Members can access the center using their MCard employee ID badge. It will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Will members of the North Campus Research Complex (NCRC) Wellness Center be able to use the UH South Wellness Center?
- MHealthy and NCRC are exploring reciprocal membership possibilities. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
- How do I update/change my credit card information?
- If your credit card expires and/or you receive a new card, please remember to update your info in your Wellness Center account. If your information is not updated within 5 business days of receiving a late payment email notification, your access will be terminated. View step-by-step instructions on changing your credit card information.
- How do I cancel my membership?
- Membership may be canceled at any time. Please note that once the membership is charged at the beginning of the month, the member will remain active through the end of the month. There are no refunds or partial refunds given. The member must cancel at least one business day prior to the end of the month to avoid charges for the subsequent month. To cancel a membership, email MHealthy at [email protected] asking that your membership be canceled.
- Are employees required to sign waivers before using the wellness center?
- Yes. New members will be required to sign a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ) and liability waiver.
- The UH South Wellness Center is not convenient for me. Are other options available?
- Yes. Other fitness centers are available to Michigan Medicine faculty and staff on campus through Rec Sports. Located just a few blocks away from the health system is the Central Campus Recreation Building. All Michigan Medicine employees are eligible to purchase a membership, which gives them access to all three of Recreational Sports' comprehensive facilities: the Central Campus Recreation Building, the Intramural Sports Building, and the North Campus Recreation Building (Note: the NCRB is currently being renovated and will open by Fall 2018). Learn more about other options.
- Additional questions?
- Contact MHealthy at (734) 615-9790 or [email protected]