Lead innovation and change

We catalyze change by recognizing its need, challenging the status quo, energizing stakeholders* and those we serve, and championing experiments to improve.


Engage your team in "out of the box" creative thinking activities: Bring a bag of diverse household objects to a team meeting and have each person pick from the bag and brainstorm other uses for it.


Engage your family in a conversation to change one particular change (e.g., need for extra help with aging parents).


Engage with colleagues across functions of the university to learn about their innovative practices. If you think any might work for your organization, present a proposal to your supervisor.


Engage in dialog with those on a Workplace site about a new trend of innovation that they have shared.


Engage in a a dialog with a staff member who is very resistant to applying a new skill required for their job. Collaborate to brainstorm ways to resolve the situation (e.g., peer coach).


Engage a of group of colleagues in your field to meet to discuss current trends in your field and what their departments are doing to address those trends.


Demonstrate your understanding of a change initiative underway in your group by explaining it to a new employee or intern. Offer background information to provide context.


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