Utilize a process to track progress towards short and long term team goals and outcomes. Request regular updates from stakeholders on projects, either informally or formally.
Utilize a process to track progress towards short and long term team goals and outcomes. Request regular updates from stakeholders on projects, either informally or formally.
Using different modalities, express appreciation to stakeholders when your unit meets goals to advance diversity, equity and inclusion.
Use visual scorecards (e.g., dashboards or thermometers) to show progress toward realizing a vision or goals.
Use the term "we" when addressing your team.
Use the Facilitator Dialogue tool published by OSCR to use for a conflict resolution facilitation between two staff members who are at odds.
Use bystander intervention techniques when the situation warrants it.
Use a virtual collaboration tool, such as Zoom or Skype, with relatives to resolve a family dispute. Follow up with an email summarizing the discussion.
Use a Liberating Structures tool to foster innovation and intelligent risk taking within a group that you participate in.
Troubleshoot a performance or quality problem found in a current project or service.
Treat everyone with the same courtesy as they would want.