Share stories with your reports of how the values and ethics of your unit are demonstrated.
Share stories with your reports of how the values and ethics of your unit are demonstrated.
Share a new principle that your group has recently instituted and finds successful at a workshop for your peers throughout the university.
Set up a feedback contest for a pressing issue that incentivizes participation.
Serve on a committee of a large capital campaign.
Select two to three ethical behaviors of your profession and reflect on the ways you demonstrate them. Ask a colleague for their observations and compare to your reflections.
Schedule time each week to check in with team members to learn about their work progress and what resources, if any, they might need.
Schedule check-ins with direct reports throughout the year to learn about their progress on reaching Individual Development Plan goals. Offer support as needed.
Research trends that will impact U-M and your unit.
Research customer suggestions to improve service. Identify the three most frequently mentioned and present them at a staff or team meeting.
Request to work on a project across departments to gain exposure to different approaches and standards of work. Share your findings with your supervisor and team.