Research customer suggestions to improve service. Identify the three most frequently mentioned and present them at a staff or team meeting.
Research customer suggestions to improve service. Identify the three most frequently mentioned and present them at a staff or team meeting.
Request to work on a project across departments to gain exposure to different approaches and standards of work. Share your findings with your supervisor and team.
Request to participate in a change initiative for your group: bring together the people who hold different pieces of information to collect a fuller picture of the existing landscape and projections for the future. Effectively analyze.
Request to join a team that is not meeting goals. Analyze the situation, and work with stakeholders to create a viable action plan that they can be held accountable for.
Request to be responsible for a decision pertaining to the allocation of future resources or talent needs.
Represent the university at a DEI-related local or regional event.
Regularly request constructive feedback. Be mindful of your behavior when you receive it.
Reflect on your values and write them down. Then, consider how your personal values align with the values and mission of a U-M initiative, task force or other workgroup.
Reflect on why and how you made a recent big decision (e.g., vehicle purchase) and reflect on the following questions: What was the cause of the decision? How did you make your decision? What was the process?
Reflect on the inputs that you use in decision making. Then read Beyond the Echo Chamber and apply techniques and processes from the article to a work-related decision.