Reflect on how you approach decision making when uncertainty and ambiguity are present. Read The Book of Beautiful Questions and design a strategy and template of questions to use.
Reflect on how you approach decision making when uncertainty and ambiguity are present. Read The Book of Beautiful Questions and design a strategy and template of questions to use.
Reflect on a person who facilitates efficient and productive meetings. Select two of their strategies for your next meeting and use them. Reflect on meeting outcomes based on the new strategies that you incorporated.
Recognize underutilized skills and tools that could better serve your team and learn one to drive efficiency across your team's program or project (e.g., collaboration tools).
Read the short article Incorporating Core Values into Decision Making to learn the benefits of aligning your decision making with your unit's values. Explain your findings to a colleague.
Read How a Change of Perspective Can Improve Your Decisions and apply the three principles to a personal decision that you face.
Read The Book of Beautiful Questions and select several questions to use to guide a family member or friend through a problem solving or decision making process.
Read The Little Things That Affect Our Work Relationships and select an action item from the article to practice for one week. After that week, reflect on your practices and how they turned out.
Read How to Engage Employees Through Your Company Vision Statement and tie the mission with team and individual goals.
Read Crucial Confrontations and choose several new skills to apply for the next difficult conversation you have with a stakeholder. Practice with a peer or mentor ahead of time.
Read The Coaching Habit or listen to the summary of The Coaching Habit and incorporate the strategies into your daily practice. For one week, maintain a journal recording a daily instance when you used a Coaching Habit question and the outcome.