The next time you attend a U-M event or meeting outside of your role, sit next to someone you do not know, introduce yourself, and get to know them.
The next time you attend a U-M event or meeting outside of your role, sit next to someone you do not know, introduce yourself, and get to know them.
Teach or create a tutorial for colleagues about a new technology or work process that they will be using.
Talk to your supervisor about workflow processes found in your group, specifically where your responsibilities fit.
Take time to learn and identify the formal and informal structures that exist in your unit: who wields power, who controls work flow, who makes decisions and who carries them out.
Take present state of affairs and project into the future where the system may break down (e.g., material archiving, data breaches).
Surface and meet with a staff member who demonstrates negative or harmful behaviors. Refer to the U-M Standard of Practice Guide or the Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX Office for resources.
Spearhead an initiative that impacts diverse functions and areas within your unit and across the university.
Spearhead an event which requires you to initiate simultaneous actions under a tight time frame (e.g., a conference, workshop, meeting).
Share your organization's DEI strategy progress and initiatives with others across campus.
Share your DEI expertise with colleagues at another U-M campus.