Act with courage and confidence

We seize opportunities, welcome and share challenging assignments and integrate present realities and future possibilities.


Ask someone whom you admire and who demonstrates very strong resilience to share their strategies to support their staff.


Ask for suggestions from friends, family, or an expert the next time you engage in a home improvement project, or want to take a hobby to the next level.


Arrange to make presentations sharing your expertise and an initiative or project from your unit to other U-M stakeholders, other universities, and community and professional organizations.


Address an obstacle as an opportunity to identify other perspectives and approaches to reach the intended goal. Brainstorm with your group and develop alternative approaches.


Address a task that challenges you (e.g., taxes), and identify ways to make it easier for yourself. After filing, reflect on the new system you used.


Accept personal responsibility for issues involving your projects and take appropriate measures to resolve them.


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