Invite a colleague who sits on a committee or board that you chair to discuss the negatives behaviors that you have observed them demonstrate on more than one occasion.
Invite a colleague who sits on a committee or board that you chair to discuss the negatives behaviors that you have observed them demonstrate on more than one occasion.
Invite a colleague from another unit to teach you a skill that you could use on the job.
Invite a colleague from a university committee or task force to cosponsor an event with you.
Invest in input from team members throughout a change within an organization you are involved in.
Introduce yourself to someone you often see in and around your office but do not know.
Introduce U-M colleagues and other stakeholders to one another.
Introduce Liberating Structures tools to a work team or event planning team.
Integrate coaching into a meeting by offering constructive, detailed feedback.
Instead of driving, use alternative means of transportation to meetings across campus.
Insert success stories or positive client feedback in communications to your team.