Identify those who are successful at developing their direct reports. Learn what they do. Reflect how those methods could be carried across the unit(s).
Identify those who are successful at developing their direct reports. Learn what they do. Reflect how those methods could be carried across the unit(s).
Identify something you do that is very inefficient (e.g., filing tax-related materials throughout the year). Ask people you know to be organized what they do and then try one of the processes.
Identify someone you work with who makes others feel valued, respected and included. Reflect on their behaviors and identify two to adapt to your daily practice.
Identify someone you regularly interrupt. The next time you converse with them, hold your comments until they have finished. Should you find yourself interrupting, apologize and ask them to continue.
Identify someone whom you find yourself regularly interrupting. During the next conversation with that person, actively listen in silence and wait until that person is finished to speak.
Identify skills that you seek to develop outside of your job (e.g., Tai Chi, creating podcasts, woodworking).
Identify positive behaviors that your unit has established as norms (e.g., respectful interactions, how to disagree).
Identify one particular inefficient system or waster at home and determine a way to mitigate it.
Identify bottlenecks that you or your team faces and present them to your supervisor or team to work out.
Identify and take several professional development classes (see the Education section of the Development Journey for resources).