MHealthy and University Resources
- Alcohol Management Program (AMP)
- Alcohol-Free Cocktails
- Asset Health AMP Mini-challenges
- Benefits of Drinking Less Alcohol
- Alcohol Management Self Evaluation
- University of Michigan Addiction Center
- Wellness Coaching for Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Summer Alcohol I.Q. Challenge
Tracking Apps and Tracking Sheet
- Reframe: Drink Less & Thrive
- Saying When
- Stay in the Blue
- Dry Days
- Hello Sunday Morning
- Getting Started with Tracking Diary (pdf)
Mindful/Stress Reduction Apps
- 12 Smart Things to Do When the Booze and Drugs are Gone, Allen Berger, Ph.D
- 365 Ways to Have Fun Sober, by Lisa Hann
- The Alcohol Experiment: How to Take Control of Your Drinking and Enjoy Being Sober for Good by Annie Grace
- A Happier Hour, Rebecca Weller
- Quit Like a Woman, Holly Whitaker
- Sober For Good, Anne Fletcher
- This Naked Mind, Annie Grace
Websites and Social Media
- A Sober Girls Guide
- Check Your Drinking
- Rethinking Drinking
- Seltzer Squad
- Sober Evolution
- Sober Girls Society
- Sober Mommies
- Sober Movement Instagram
- Sober Nation