Alcohol Management Program Details

MHealthy Alcohol Management Program (AMP) offers brief, confidential health education and one-on-one counseling to anyone with mild to moderate alcohol problems. Choose from in-person, Zoom, and phone in options. The program serves anyone who wants to make changes to their alcohol use.  Our clients include U-M faculty, staff, retirees, Michigan Medicine patients, and the general public.  Through our Zoom and phone options, we are able to help clients nationwide.

  • The AMP is not for people who are severely dependent or alcoholic and need specialized treatment services.
  • The AMP endorses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) alcohol consumption guidelines: For individuals assigned female at birth, no more than 1 drink per day, for individuals assigned male at birth, no more than 2 drinks per day and for anyone over the age of 65, no more than 1 drink per day.

The program will help you:

  • Learn about alcohol's effects and your health
  • Develop specific skills needed to drink less alcohol or none at all

You choose which approach is right for you, abstinence or moderation. The sessions focus on teaching five proven strategies for helping people cut down or stop drinking altogether:

  1. Self- monitoring/tracking consumption and temptations
  2. Pacing, if moderation is your goal
  3. Planning ahead to avoid any drinking or with a limit in mind to avoid drinking too much
  4. Satisfying, alcohol-free activities
  5. Coping strategies

The one-on-one program is available in-person or by phone. It includes:

  • A 1.5 hour initial interview
  • Three to six one-hour individual sessions
  • Program materials (handouts, tracking sheets, temptation diaries, etc.)
  • Follow-up appointments at 1, 3, and 6 months post program completion

Cost: No fee at this time

For more information or to schedule your free, private and confidential phone screening:

Call: (734) 998-2017

Email: [email protected]

Your Privacy is Important to Us

Information given to the MHealthy Alcohol Management Program is confidential. Your health data:

  • will not be shared with your manager
  • will not be added to your employee files
  • will not affect your insurance coverage or benefits
  • will not be disclosed to your insurance company

U-M also uses a national leader in health care data management. This data warehouse stores data using unique unidentifiable codes. The codes are not shared with U-M employees or external parties.

Collected information is used to evaluate our programs. It also contributes to scientific research. In these cases, only aggregate (group) data is presented.  This helps U-M better understand the health of our community and plan future programs.