Counseling and Consultation Services

FASCCO offers a number of services designed to help active or retired staff and faculty members and their immediate benefit eligible adult family members with personal difficulties encountered at both work and home. All FASCCO services are free of charge. The professional staff at FASCCO adhere to the ethical principles and licensure requirements of their respective professions. We strongly protect client confidentiality except where it is legally limited (such as in child/elder abuse cases or threats of harm). A full explanation of confidentiality is available at the FASCCO offices.

"It can be difficult to find and access mental health services in the community. I am incredibly grateful U-M provides counselors when we need someone to talk to, especially for those of us seeking professional help for the first time."
- Ashley P.

What to Expect When Contacting FASCCO

It can feel like a big step in reaching out for emotional support! When you seek assistance from FASCCO, either by email or phone, our administrative staff will ask a few questions to get the process started. For example, if you prefer a particular counselor and your general concern.

Since the FASCCO counseling staff are licensed mental health professionals everyone will be required to complete some brief intake forms and review and complete a “Statement of Understanding” that provides an overview of Confidentiality policies and guidelines.

Appointments are primarily telehealth (using Zoom). Limited in-person appointments are available by request.

Your initial assessment session with a FASCCO counselor will include the following.

  • A counselor will gather information from you to aid in the development of an action plan, if needed
  • You and the counselor will discuss the issues about which you are concerned
  • You and the counselor will review relevant history and background to help in best supporting you
  • At the end of your assessment, the counselor will review options with you and make recommendations about the most appropriate steps that you can take to address your concern or issue

An initial session with a FASCCO counselor normally takes up to 1.5 hours. If the problem can be addressed or resolved within our “up to five session model," you may agree to continue to work on your concern with the counselor. If it is determined that a specialist is needed or more extensive treatment is warranted, the counselor will offer to coordinate a referral to a therapist, counselor, or program that accepts your insurance.