Leaves of Absence Glossary

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Child Care Leave of Absence
Unpaid leave available for both female and male employees following the birth of the employee’s child or following the adoption of a child who is under the age of 18. The duration of the child care leave of absence is six months. This leave may be extended for a maximum duration up to one year from the date of birth or adoption. Available to probationary staff for a maximum of six weeks.
At the same time, simultaneous.
Continuous Service
Continuous service means service from the latest date of hire. Times of absence and lay offs are not considered breaks in service for this purpose. However, the period of time of absence or layoff may not be counted in meeting the two years of service requirement. The two years must have been accumulated as of the last day worked.
Covered Servicemember (Military Caregiver Leave)
Leave to care for a spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin who is a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness up to a total of 26 workweeks during a “single 12-month period.” A covered servicemember is a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness.
Educational Leave of Absence
Granted at the university’s discretion only. An Educational Leave is available to employees with at least one year of continuous service.
Equivalent Position
To be considered equivalent, the position must have an equivalent level of compensation, including any unconditional pay increases that occurred during the employee's absence, or substantially similar duties, conditions, responsibilities, privileges and status, and the same or equivalent shift or work schedule.
Exempt staff members are those who meet the exemption standards of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). University Classification Descriptions specify whether a position is exempt or non-exempt.
Allotted paid time (such as vacation or PTO) is used and recorded prior to a Leave of Absence.
Extended Sick Time
Extended sick time pay provides wage protection for staff members who are unable to work for an extended period of time due to a single incident of serious disabling illness or injury or for chronic disabling serious conditions when periodic absences from work are necessary due to a serious health condition.  
Family Care Leave of Absence
Available to employees who are eligible for FMLA and are needed to care for a family member who has a serious or chronic illness. Staff members are not required to use vacation or sick time prior to going on leave.
Family Member
Family member is defined as the staff member's spouse or other qualified adult; the child, sibling, parent, grandparent, or other related individual whose care is the responsibility of the staff member, spouse, or other qualified adult.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
This act provides for benefit continuation and job protection.  During the portion of an employee’s FMLA qualifying absence covered by paid time, the university and the employee will continue to pay their portion of the cost to maintain the employee’s benefit coverage.  During the portion of an employee’s FMLA-qualifying absence covered by an unpaid leave of absence, the university remains responsible for its portion of the cost, and the employee is responsible for his or her portion of the cost. An employee returning from an FMLA-qualifying absence will be placed in the same position the employee had before the absence started, or an equivalent position. For more information on FMLA, please see the FMLA tutorial.
FMLA Notification Letter
This is a letter sent by the employee's unit notifying the employee of the begin and end dates of their approved FMLA usage. Flint and Dearborn campuses receive this letter from HR.
Graduate Employees' Organization
Government Service Leave of Absence
Available to employees with at least one year of continuous service who are elected to a full-time public political office (except that of Michigan State legislator), or appointed to an office of a policy-making nature or one of significant responsibility such as head of, or assistant to, the head of an office, department, or branch of the federal, state, or local government. Note: Michigan State legislators are prohibited by the State’s Constitution from simultaneously being on a leave of absence from a public employer. For procedures related to notifying the Secretary of the university of candidacy for, or election or appointment to public office, see Regents’ Bylaws, Sec. 5-13, “Governmental Activities".
House Officers Association
International Union of Operating Engineers
Leave of Absence (LOA)
A Leave of absence is approved time off work.  Leaves of absence can be granted for the following reasons: care for a newborn or newly adopted child, care for a seriously ill family member, employees’ personal medical condition, military service, education, government service, personal reasons, or long-term disability.  Employees hired into Seasonal Appointments are eligible for Seasonal Leaves of Absence.
Last Day of Pay
This is the date paid time (short-term sick, extended sick, PTO, vacation) is exhausted. Most unpaid Leaves of Absence begin the day following Last Day of Pay.
Leave of Absence Election Form
This is a letter sent to employees enrolled in benefits at the time of their leave. This letter notifies the employee of the options and costs for continuing benefits while on a Leave of Absence.
Leave of Absence Letter
This is a letter sent by HR notifying the employee of the beginning and end dates of their approved leave.
Lecturers’ Employee Organization
Long-Term Disability
The university offers Long-Term Disability (LTD) coverage to eligible employees.  University disability plans define disability as a time when you are totally disabled, no longer able to engage in any occupation or employment for which you are suited by education or training, and the disability is expected to last at least 12 months. If you are a practicing physician, the Expanded Long-Term Disability Plan, under a special provision, will provide partial disability coverage.
Maternity (Childbirth) Leave
Up to six weeks of paid time off (240 hours with a full-time appointment) for physical recovery from childbirth. Maternity (childbirth) leave is aailable to eligible faculty and staff upon hire for use immediately following childbirth.
Medical/Child Care Leave of Absence
Unpaid leave when an employee who does not have sufficient paid time off (maternity (childbirth) leave, parental leave, sick time, vacation or PTO) to cover the period of time she is medically unable to work due to pregnancy/childbirth, who wishes to remain off work to care for her child once she is medically able to return to work.
Medical Leave of Absence
Unpaid leave when an employee is medically unable to work due to personal illness or injury. Arbitrary failure to follow accepted medical practice may result in the denial of an employee’s request for a medical leave of absence or an extension of a previously granted medical leave of absence.
Military Service Leave of Absence
Available to employees who have a Selective Service induction, A-1 enlistment, or a call-up as a member of the National Guard or Reserve. (SPG 201.30 and 201.33)
Michigan Nurses Association
Non-exempt staff members are those staff members who do not meet the exemption standards of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act and who must be paid overtime for all hours paid in excess of 40 in a workweek. University Classification Descriptions specify whether a position is exempt or non-exempt.
Paid Off
Payment for unused paid time is made in a lump-sum.  Applies to bargained-for staff members.
Paid Time Off (PTO) Plan
Michigan Medicine program that provides for paid time off from work for eligible employees (excluding Medical School) for personal illness, family care, vacation, personal business and work related injuries.
Parental Leave
Paid leave provided for parents to bond with a new child following birth or placement for adoption, foster care or legal guardianship of a child. Eligible faculty and staff may use parental leave within one year of the birth or placement date. Parental leave is subject to scheduling approval by the department, but units must allow a single block of time if requested. Up to three weeks (120 hours with a full-time appointment) is provided for a birth or placement event occurring during the eligible faculty or staff member’s first six months of service. Up to six weeks (240 hours with a full-time appointment) is provided for a birth or placement event occurring on or after the the eligible faculty or staff member has completed six months of service to use parental leave.
Personal Leave of Absence
An employee requests an unpaid leave of absence that does not meet the eligibility requirements of a non-discretionary leave of absence or an educational leave of absence.
Police Officer’s Association of Michigan
Qualifying Exigency Leave
Leave for up to a total of 12 work weeks during the normal FMLA 12-month period for qualifying exigencies arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent is on active duty, or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty, in support of a contingency operation. Qualifying exigencies include issues arising from a covered military member’s short notice deployment, military events and related activities, certain childcare and related activities, making financial and legal arrangements, attending counseling, taking up to five days of leave to spend time with a covered military member who is on short-term temporary, rest and recuperation, and attending to certain post-deployment activities.
Reduction in Force due to lack of funds, lack of work or reorganization. The duration of layoff is a period equivalent to the staff member's length of service up to a maximum of 12 months. A staff member who is laid off who has not been re-employed within the 12-month period will be terminated.  For more information, refer to Reduction in Force or SPG 201.72.
Seasonal Leave of Absence
A seasonal leave appointment is a voluntary commitment by an employee to a specified annual work schedule involving periods without work or compensation. SPG 201.30-3 covers Seasonal Leaves of Absence Appointments. How to obtain a seasonal leave of absence appointment.
Short-Term Sick Time
Sick pay is available to assist regular staff members who are unable to work because of personal illness or injury, pregnancy, childbirth, or absence for preventive medical and dental care; or to provide care for an incapacitated, ill or injured family member. Sick time pay is also available for staff members who need time off to care for their or their partner’s newborn child, their newly adopted child, a foster child newly placed in their home, or newly appointed legal guardianship of a child, if they are not otherwise eligible for parental leave.
Standard Practice Guide
University of Michigan Skilled Trades Union
University of Michigan Professional Nurse Council
To provide time off from work for rest and convenience, the university provides regular staff members with paid vacation. Vacation time must be approved by the staff member’s supervisor.
Work Connections
A program to assist employees through recovery and safe return to work following illness or injury.
Years of Service
Are determined by counting the continuous years employed in a status that is eligible for retirement plan participation. Approved leaves of absence without salary and periods of non-appointment are counted as active service and maintain continuity of service provided the staff member returns to work with a regular or supplemental appointment following each leave or period of non-appointment.