Money Matters Gameboard Journey

Registration opens on March 24 on the MHealthy Portal! Money Matters starts April 7.

Sometimes small actions around your finances can make a big impact. That’s where Money Matters can help! Boost your financial know-how one square at a time with Money Matters, a new 28-day virtual gameboard experience. 

How It Works:

Starting on April 7, log into the MHealthy Portal to complete a quick, daily money-related task. A new task is unlocked each day through May 4, moving you along the virtual gameboard. 

Tasks are designed to help you:

  • Test your knowledge.

  • Learn something new. 

  • Reflect on your current money matters. 

Your Goal: Complete all 28 days of tasks to reach the finish line. Don’t worry if you miss a day – you can complete tasks from past days through May 12.

To help you along the way, you'll receive weekly emails full of helpful tips and resources related to managing your money, budgeting, saving, managing debt, improving your credit score and more.

Download the Asset Health App and Set Up Notifications: 

Access the Money Matters gameboard from anywhere by downloading the Asset Health app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Once you’ve set up your app, you can also allow for notifications to receive Money Matters reminders. More information coming soon!

Important Dates:

Who Can Join:

Open to all active benefits-eligible faculty and staff and their U-M health plan enrolled spouse/other qualified adult.

How to Register:

Register on the MHealthy Portal starting March 24!

How you log into the MHealthy Portal will depend on your affiliation with the university.

U-M Affiliation How to access the MHealthy Portal
Active Faculty/Staff (Benefits-Eligible, excluding those who are only eligible for the U-M GradCare health plan) Log in using your U-M uniqname and UMICH Level-1 password.
Spouse/Other Qualified Adult of an active faculty or staff person who is enrolled in U-M Health Plan
  • You will need to know the employee’s 8-digit UMID.
  • The first time you log in, you must use a default username and password:
    • Default Username: Employee 8-digit UMID + Your First Name + MMDD of Your Date of Birth
    • Default Password: Employee 8-digit UMID + MMDD of Your Date of Birth
  • After the first login, you will be asked to create your own unique username and password.


For questions on Money Matters, please contact Asset Health at (800) 313-6093 or [email protected]