Initiate a group to study future technology innovations that may benefit your organization over the long term.
Initiate a group to study future technology innovations that may benefit your organization over the long term.
In an informational talk to a small group, periodically check in to gauge the level of understanding and take any questions.
Identify your assumptions and biases before offering suggestions in a problem solving session.
Identify someone you regularly interrupt. The next time you converse with them, hold your comments until they have finished. Should you find yourself interrupting, apologize and ask them to continue.
Identify someone whom you find yourself regularly interrupting. During the next conversation with that person, actively listen in silence and wait until that person is finished to speak.
Identify a U-M leader you admire and schedule a meeting to learn what they find most useful and effective for meeting team goals and supporting others to track goals.
Hold a project postmortem that addresses unexpected changes that your group confronted, and how you will plan differently in the future.
Highlight stories of interesting things that your team has accomplished to other colleagues in your field at U-M.
Help someone new to your group by making introductions, locating resources, and networking.
Guide a group that you work with through the process of making a complex decision that it faces.