Solve problems

We identify and solve problems through analysis based on first hand observation.


Manage the procurement of an important piece of equipment or service, and gather diverse input from stakeholders and others who will be impacted before analyzing the data and making the decision.


Leverage your internal networks and news outlets to gain a better understanding of organizational politics.


Learn to apply frameworks and S.M.A.R.T. tools for understanding and making everyday financial decisions. Demonstrate your understanding to your direct reports.


Learn problem solving skills (e.g., ask more open ended questions, break down a problem into small components and analyze).


Invite input from stakeholders who will be directly impacted by a decision that needs to be made. Their diverse perspectives may lead to an innovative resolution.


In your next decision making session with colleagues, contribute a viewpoint that is very different from those of others as a means to foster innovative thinking.


Identify something you do that is very inefficient (e.g., filing tax-related materials throughout the year). Ask people you know to be organized what they do and then try one of the processes.


Identify a leader who will support your efforts implementing a change initiative and ask them to back you up.


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