Solve problems

We identify and solve problems through analysis based on first hand observation.


Spearhead an initiative that impacts diverse functions and areas within your unit and across the university.


Share a new principle that your group has recently instituted and finds successful at a workshop for your peers throughout the university.


Research customer suggestions to improve service. Identify the three most frequently mentioned and present them at a staff or team meeting.


Request to participate in a change initiative for your group: bring together the people who hold different pieces of information to collect a fuller picture of the existing landscape and projections for the future. Effectively analyze.


Request to be responsible for a decision pertaining to the allocation of future resources or talent needs.


Reflect on why and how you made a recent big decision (e.g., vehicle purchase) and reflect on the following questions: What was the cause of the decision? How did you make your decision? What was the process?


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