Seek insights into improving particular services, processes or systems from your team and colleagues across the university.
Seek insights into improving particular services, processes or systems from your team and colleagues across the university.
Seek feedback from a coach, mentor, or colleagues about one message that you are developing that explains goals and the reasons behind them.
Seek and meet leaders who successfully engaged their team during a change initiative.
Schedule small group meetings with impacted stakeholders to have crucial conversations about the action.
Schedule opportunities for reports to contact or meet with you to better understand the reasoning behind goals. Connect the mission or values of your unit and the university to the goals.
Schedule an appointment with a leader in your unit who can explain the different metrics tools and the best applications for them.
Schedule an appointment with a leader in your unit to learn about unit short and long term goals. Ask them for input into how to align your goals to those needs.
Run for a political office or seat on a municipal committee or task force.
Review and select a total of 3 tools or tips from Ten Tips for Inclusive Meetings, inclusive discussion guidelines, or the Inclusive Instruction Toolkit. Reflect on the effectiveness of the tools.
Reuse an item in a different way than originally intended.