Reach out to units within and outside of the university to partner on DEI programs.
Reach out to units within and outside of the university to partner on DEI programs.
Reach out to someone who is an expert in this area of expertise for advice.
Reach out to colleagues in other units to learn how change and innovation are orchestrated.
Provide frequent, positive and constructive communications to your team so that everyone remains focused on fulfilling the change implementation plan.
Provide colleagues sincere, positive and constructive feedback that focuses on specific observations.
Promptly surface conflict. Determine whether it is one that you can address or contact your HR representative for assistance in deciding whether it is one that should go through official grievance procedures or dispute resolution processes.
Present U-M's strategic priorities, and those of your unit, to department members. Highlight the alignment of your unit's goals to those of the greater university (e.g., DEI initiatives). Articulate the reasoning behind any changes.
Present the university's DEI initiative to area civic and educational organizations.
Present a U-M initiative message to different units throughout the university. Use impactful visuals if applicable.
Practice your message in front of someone unaffiliated with the organization you are speaking about and request their feedback.