

Utilize a pilot test group for a process change that you are spearheading. Consider the feedback when making revisions.


Using your Individual Development Plan (IDP) and resources that explain your unit's priorities, collaborate with your supervisor, or a coach, to create individual goals that are in sync with the priorities of your unit.


Use your Individual Development Plan (IDP) to create an action plan to strengthen your areas of opportunities for development reflected in the Development Journey Self Assessment results.


Use your creativity the next time you do not have all of the instructions or tools to complete a task.


Use a task list or calendaring tool that will help you to follow through on commitments in a timely manner.


Try new approaches to break out of routines (e.g., stress reduction) and develop three possible ways to mitigate it during work hours.


Think of a time in another job when you were resistant to change. Think of as many reasons as possible why you were resistant. Did those reasons come to fruition? If not, what did you learn?


Think of a leader you admire. Reflect upon how that leader demonstrates value for his or her diverse stakeholders and how you can adjust your behaviors or actions to better demonstrate your values.


The next time you receive outstanding service, write down how that sounded and looked, and choose one or two of those practices to incorporate in your job. Inform a colleague who can hold you accountable.


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