

Regularly check in with customers about the level of service your unit is providing them. Include opportunity to suggest improvements.


Reflect on a major change in your life. Write or talk about what helped you successfully move through the change.


Reflect and assess how you model excellent customer service. Share with staff a personal success story of customer service as well as an experience that you learned from.


Recruit team members for a change initiative who do not ordinarily work together and bring a variety of subject matter expertise.


Recruit members for a board or committee you sit on who are of different generations, backgrounds, and skills.


Recognize groups that meet or exceed customer service expectations. Support groups that need to make improvements by offering guidance and resources. Provide positive feedback when they make improvements.


Read a weekly message from U-M CFO Kevin Hagerty to Business and Finance staff to learn how a leader successfully focuses a team on creating value and a positive culture for everyone.


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