Cultivate curiosity within your team whereby questions are asked, and ideas are encouraged and respected by all team members.
Cultivate curiosity within your team whereby questions are asked, and ideas are encouraged and respected by all team members.
Create partnerships with entities outside of the University to partner on DEI-related programming.
Create or join a story telling interest group to promote DEI throughout the university.
Create focus groups to learn about areas of service, processes or systems that need improvement and how to see input into addressing those needs.
Create cross functional teams for a U-M initiative that you are working on.
Create and distribute a meal sign-up for someone who is sick or just became a parent.
Create and deliver a motivating speech to your direct reports that incorporates: A specific success story or recognition to several staff for distinct positive actions or outcomes, giving clear direction, providing empathy "How are we doing?", "I trust that you can do this", "I see how hard you've been working and appreciate "x" during this period of transition", link your department's or unit's mission to your group's goals (include stories of how work impacts your customers or community).
Create a template or question upon which to base an upcoming crucial confrontation.
Create a survey for members of an organization you are involved in to identify needs and opportunities.
Create a pilot project for a product or service that you are developing. Recruit a focus group of diverse constituents who fall within and outside of your target audience.