Before posting on your social media account, consider the risks and rewards of doing so.
Before posting on your social media account, consider the risks and rewards of doing so.
Attend Toastmaster events to improve your composition and presentation skills.
Attend or join a local Toastmasters club to develop your public speaking skills.
Attend an event and invite colleagues to join you and to discuss it afterwards.
Attend a professional conference and report your findings about this topic to your team.
Attend a performing arts event or a talk in a subject area that is new to you. Invite others to join you so that you can engage in conversation and reflection about it afterward.
Attend a storytelling event or listen to a storytelling podcast or radio show (The Moth Stories).
At the conclusion of meetings, restate action steps of those involved in order to gain clarity and consensus.
At a U-M class or event with people from across campus, ask someone about their unit or department. Share information about your department, including your unit's mission.
At a team meeting, review the current status of a project. Inquire if any active stakeholders plan to be out on vacation during the next phrase. Adjust the project plan and schedule accordingly.