Lead a coaching session about effective communications.
Lead a coaching session about effective communications.
Lead a change initiative that requires people from different organizations to create a new structure, such as merging departments and streamlining staff and processes.
Keep up with customer service trends.
Keep available resources pertaining to policies, systems and processes in a location where you can easily find them.
Join a Workplace U-M Community of Practice that will expose you to processes and systems that could be beneficial to your operations. Report findings to your team.
Join a university-wide initiative that will bring major change to your unit.
Join a task force that is working on an unpopular action.
Join a project team that has already begun the project.
Join a professional organization and attend an event.
Join a cross functional U-M group (e.g., Voices of the Staff) to learn how such a group maintains the line of sight in creating value for stakeholders.