Offer to run a part of project with an established due date and expected outcomes. Select a process mapping tool from ITS to use.
Offer to run a part of project with an established due date and expected outcomes. Select a process mapping tool from ITS to use.
Offer to research different data metrics that could work well in your line of work. Report your finding at a team meeting.
Offer to present a workshop about basic problem solving and mediation skills to a cross functional committee that you are involved with.
Offer to manage the process of identifying, selecting, and purchasing a new technology for an organization you work with.
Offer to lead an under-resourced project that requires you to bargain and trade with others in order to get what you need to succeed.
Offer to coach a colleague in another unit in a skill that they wish to develop for their job.
Offer to assist a colleague in another unit to track a goal they have set for themself.
Offer frequent, constructive feedback and positive reinforcement to your colleagues across campus.
Meet with your DEI lead to learn about your unit's plan, and how progress is measured (e.g., an annual employment climate survey). Seek ways that you can support the initiatives.
Meet with a direct report to go over their Development Journey self assessment and to coach them through the Individual Development Plan (IDP).