Read Avoid Decision Paralysis in the Face of Uncertainty and create a plan to navigate an existing uncertainty and ambiguity that you face. Reflect on the outcomes and how the process worked for you.
Read Avoid Decision Paralysis in the Face of Uncertainty and create a plan to navigate an existing uncertainty and ambiguity that you face. Reflect on the outcomes and how the process worked for you.
Reach out to other units to collaborate on projects and initiatives with your unit.
Pull together a diverse team to plan for a change in processes. Be sure to include a diverse group of team members to create a new process and contingency plans.
Participate on a U-M volunteer community service project (e.g., Habitat for Humanity, United Way, Food Gatherers project).
Participate in a mentoring group.
Oversee a new pilot project roll out to areas across the university.
Organize a retreat for a nonprofit you are involved in.
Organize a gathering for people from an organization you volunteer with.
Organize a game night with family and friends. With them, develop community guidelines before playing (e.g., putting away all cell phones).
Open a team meeting with a positively framed icebreaker question.