MHealthy Champions

Apply to Become a Champion!

Any benefits-eligible staff or faculty member can apply. Apply on the MHealthy Portal, powered by Asset Health. Select “Faculty/Staff (Benefits Eligible)” and log in with your Level 1 password.

Already a Champion?

Log into the Champion Portal. Select “Faculty/Staff (Benefits Eligible)” and log in with your Level 1 password.  Once you log in, click on the MHealthy Champions tab along the top blue bar.

About the Program

MHealthy Champions are staff and faculty volunteers who serve as a liaison between their department and MHealthy. They collaborate with MHealthy Wellness Coordinators to support their department’s well-being needs and culture of health through programming and promotion of available services and resources that align with the university’s philosophy of well-being.

Champion Term

MHealthy Champions serve a two-year term with the option to renew for additional terms with supervisor approval. The estimated monthly time commitment is 1-2 hours.

Champion Responsibilities

MHealthy Champions are responsible for reporting their completion of the six program steps (C.H.A.M.P.S.) in the Champion portal at least once during their two-year term. 

C: Communicate your role – Announce to your work area that you are their MHealthy Champion! Send an email, create a fun flier, host a healthy potluck – you choose the best way to get the word out to your colleagues! 
H: Health and Wellness Interest Survey – Request the Health and Wellness Interest Survey link from your Wellness Coordinator and send it out to your work area. This will help you and MHealthy better understand your colleagues’ interests and what programs and resources best fit their well-being needs.
A: Achieve one department wellness goal – Based on what you’ve learned about your colleagues’ interests and needs, set a department wellness goal (your Wellness Coordinator is available to help!). Once you’ve achieved your department wellness goal, briefly describe what steps you took to accomplish it. You can set as many wellness goals as you like throughout the year!  
M: Meet with MHealthy – Let us know that you attended (in-person or virtually) a Champion meeting, retreat, information session, monthly wellness activity or other activity specifically for Champions.
P: Promote MHealthy programs and services – Throughout your Champion term, help to spread the word about health and well-being programs and resources available through MHealthy and the university.  
S: Share your department’s wellness story – Your experience as a Champion is valuable! Sharing your successes, lessons learned and even your challenges will help other Champions.

We also ask that you attend at least 1 of 2 MHealthy Champion meetings per program year (a retreat and/or a one-hour informational webinar).

Once you complete the six program steps, you can apply for a wellness grant. Grant funds can be used to support the interests and needs of your coworkers.

Becoming a Champion

Becoming a Champion can occur in one of two ways:

  • Supervisor nominates someone in their department. The nominee fills out an online application.

  • Staff or faculty member applies to be a Champion for their work area.

In both scenarios, a submitted application generates  an email to your supervisor asking to approve your participation in the program. Once your supervisor approves, you will be accepted into the program.

If you have questions about the program, please contact the Champion Program Team at