One of MHealthy’s strategic goals is to support the university’s mission through research, education and service partnerships that contribute to the evidence regarding how effective health and well-being programs can make a difference in improving people’s lives. The following are published research to which MHealthy has lead and/or contributed to through collaborations with other researchers.
Jenkins, Kristi Rahrig PhD. Measuring and Evaluating Spirituality in the Workplace. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2025;39(2):363-365. doi:10.1177/08901171241299608e
Jenkins, Kristi Rahrig PhD. Wellness Program Participation and its Association With Illness-Related Absenteeism and Turnover: One University’s Story. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 66(3):p 212-215, March 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000003022
Jenkins, Kristi Rahrig PhD; Stiehl, Emily PhD; Franklin, Joryan MPH; Sherman, Bruce MD. The Association of Employee’s Unmet Social Needs and Self-Reported Injury and Illness Related Absenteeism. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 66(12):p 1046-1050, December 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000003239
Putnam, E. M., Stratton, K. J., Lehrian, L. E., Rochlen, L. R., & Zisblatt, L. (2023). A simulation workshop to introduce coping skills. The Clinical Teacher, e13607.
Calarco, M. M., & Stratton, K. J. (2023). The Impact of Transcendental Meditation: Reducing Burnout and Enhancing Well-Being in Frontline Healthcare Clinicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 28(3).
- Jenkins, K. R., & Bales, S. L. (2023). “Wellness Program Participation and its Association With Reduction in Health Risks and Health Care Costs: One University's Story.” American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 37(3), 375–380. doi: 10.1177/08901171221127987
- Rahrig Jenkins, K., Stiehl, E., Bales, S., & Sherman, B. (2022). Employee Sources of Stress and Their Associations With Absenteeism: Differences by Wage Category. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 64(7), 614–620. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002546. View this video featuring Kristi Rahrig Jenkins, PhD, MHealthy's Research Program Manager, presenting findings from this paper at the 2023 HERO Forum.
- Jenkins, K. R., Stiehl, E., Sherman, B. W., & Bales, S. L. (2022). Supporting Employee Health at Work: How Perceptions Differ Across Wage Category. American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 36(1), 169–174. doi: 10.1177/08901171211024416
- Stiehl, E., Bales, S. L., Jenkins, K. R., & Sherman, B. W. (2022). “Unique Barriers to Workplace Health Promotion Programs by Wage Category: A Qualitative Assessment of Secondary Data.” American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 36(5), 843–852. doi: 10.1177/08901171211069546
- Jenkins, Kristi et al. “Addressing Social Determinants of Health-A Large Employer Perspective.” American journal of health promotion : AJHP vol. 34,2 (2020): 224-226. doi:10.1177/0890117119896122e
- Jenkins, K.R. (2020) “Communicating a Wellness Program’s Value: The Development of a Dashboard for a Large University With an Academic Medical Center.” American Journal of Health Promotion
- Jenkins, K.R., Sherman, B.W. (2020), “Wellness Program Nonparticipation and Its Association With Employee Turnover.” American Journal of Health Promotion
- Imboden M., Castle, P., Johnson, S., Jenkins, K.R., Pitts, J., Grossmeier, J., Mangen, D., Mason, S., Steven N. (2020), “Development and Validity of a Workplace Health Promotion Best Practices Assessment.” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Grossmeier, J., Castle, P., Pitts, J., Saringer, C., Jenkins, K.R., Imboden M., Mangen, D., Johnson, S., Steven N., Mason, S. (2020) “Workplace Well-Being Factors That Predict Employee Participation, Health and Medical Cost Impact, and Perceived Support.” American Journal of Health Promotion
- Jenkins, K.R., Fakhoury N., Richardson C.R., Segar M., Krupka E., Kullgren J. (2018) “Characterizing Employees’ Preferences for Incentives for Healthy Behaviors: Examples to Improve Interest in Wellness Programs” Health Promotion Practice
- Kullgren, J.T., Knaus, M., Jenkins, K.R. and Heisler, M. (2016) “Mixed methods study of engagement in behaviors to prevent type 2 diabetes among employees with pre-diabetes.” BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. 4:e000212.
- Beck. A.J., Hirth, R.A., Jenkins, K.R., Sleeman, K.K. and Zhang, W. (2016) “Factors Associated With Participation in a University Worksite Wellness Program.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Jul(51/1), 1-11.
- Jenkins, K.R., Fakhoury, N., Marzec, M and Harlow-Rosentraub, K. (2015) “Perceptions of a Culture of Health: Implications for Communications and Programming.” Health Promotion Practice. 16(6), 796-804.
- Jenkins, K.R., Fakhoury, N., Matthias Gray, L., Herzog-Mourad, T., Williams, D. and Winfield, R. (2014) “Lessons for Sustainability: Perceptions of a Smoke-Free Campus Initiative.” Health Behavior and Policy Review. 1(5), 420.
- Jenkins, K.R. and Ofstedal, M.B. (2014) “The Impact of Socioeconomic Characteristics on Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Middle- aged and Older Men and Women.” Women & Health. 54(1), 15-34.
- Jenkins, K.R. (2014) “How Valid are Self-reports of Illness Related Absence: Evidence from a University Employee Health Management Program.” Population Health Management. 17(4), 211-217.
- Anderson, D.R., Carter, M., Jenkins, K.R., Karjalainen, T. Whitmer, R.W. (2012) “Toward an Employee Health Management Research Agenda: What Are The Research Priorities?” American Journal of Health Promotion, The Art of Health Promotion. 26(6), 7-9.
- Bade, S. (2010) “Cognitive Executive Functions and Work: Advancing from Job Jeopardy to Success Following a Brain Aneurysm.” Work. 36(4), 389-398.
- Buis, Lorraine R., Poulton, Timothy A., Holleman, Robert G., Sen, Amanda, Resnick, Paul J., Goodrich, David E., Palma-Davis, LaVaughn, and Richardson, Caroline R. (2009) "Evaluating Active U: an internet-mediated physical activity program." BCM Public Health. 9:331.
- Bade, S. and Eckert, J. (2008) “Occupational Therapists' Critical Value in Work Rehabilitation and Ergonomics.” Work. 31(1), 101-111.
- Bade, S. and Eckert, J. (2008) “Occupational Therapists' Expertise in Work Rehabilitation and Ergonomics.” Work. 31(1), 1-3.
- Geisser, M.E., Robinson, M.E., Miller, Q.L. and Bade, S. (2003) “Psychosocial Factors and Functional Capacity Evaluation Among Persons with Chronic Pain.” Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 13(4), 259-276.