Coordination of Benefits Tool

If you (or a family member) are covered by more than one group health plan, including Medicare, answer a few questions to help determine which plan pays first.

Please note that "Medicare" here generally refers to Medicare Parts A and B. You are not required to enroll in Medicare Part D; however, if you are enrolled in a Medicare Part D plan, the coordination of benefits rules with the U-M Prescription Drug Plan are the same as for your health plan.

This tool does not apply to situations involving auto insurance or auto accidents. In cases where you need to coordinate with auto insurance, the following rules generally apply.

  1. University of Michigan health plan pays first (primary)
  2. Auto insurance pays second (secondary)
  3. Medicare pays last (tertiary), if applicable

If you are a professor emeritus and you return to work at U-M after retirement, you will keep your "retiree" status. You and your eligible dependents must enroll in Medicare whenever first eligible, and remain enrolled. Medicare will continue to pay primary.

This information is provided for educational purposes only and may not cover all scenarios. For more information, visit Coordination of Benefits or contact your group health plan.