Thinking about submitting a proposal, but not sure exactly what you'd need to provide? Here are several samples that show the types of posters developed in 2013, as well as good examples of summary text.
Collaborating with M+Box
Click to view a PDF of the poster (Number: 150101)
MaryBeth Stuenkel, Kris Steinhoff
University service or operation: Information and Technology Services
Primary topic area: Collaboration
Discover how your U-M colleagues are using the large storage and collaborative power of M+Box to get things done in less time and for less money. Learn how to use this free campus resource to accomplish things you couldn't do before. Find out how M+Box helps you collaborate with others both on campus and off.
Using Qualtrics for Program Evaluations
Click to view a PDF of the poster (Number: 150201)
Irene Knokh, Dorothy Nagle
University service or operation: UMH Professional Development and Education
Primary topic area: Applications
In 2013, we are piloting use of electronic evaluations and “certificate handing” process for continuing education topics with several conferences, calls for abstract, and in-services. Benefits for the audience:
- Find out how to use Qualtrics for program evaluations
- Learn best practices - including tips and tricks
- Discover what the team learned (and is still learning) during the process
- See designer's workflow for the evaluations
- Ask questions!
But that’s not in Business Objects!: Managing Data Overload and Increasing Efficiency
Click to view a PDF of the poster (Number: 203002)
Ruth Halsey, Scott Peltier, Douglas Noll,
University service or operation: Data Management
Primary topic area: Applications
Efficiently recording, reporting, and managing data not available in Business Objects can be intimidating and time consuming, even for the most seasoned staff member. Overcoming this challenge embraces Lean ideals and allows for data driven decision making, report generation, accurate billing, and so on. This session is intended to provide an introduction to database design and how use of these tools can increase efficiency at your unit. It is particularly recommended for recharge facility administrators.
Leadership Best Practices in Employee Engagement
Click to view a PDF of the poster (Number: 150302)
Jane Pettit, Joan Curran, , Patrick O-Keeffe, Jessica Flaherty, Damon Chapman
University service or operation: Voices Leadership Team
Primary topic area: Leadership, Communications
Leadership Best Practices in Employee Engagement - The Voices Leadership Development team is collecting video vignettes from supervisors and managers who have an effective best practice in engaging their employees (i.e. Input on decisions affecting their work; keeping staff informed; creating a safe method for staff to communicate concerns to leadership, and so on). Through the vehicle of storytelling these video segments will tell how the supervisor learned--sometimes the hard way--an effective leadership method or tool. The resulting video may be used for discussion in training venues or individual performance learning.
Teach Them to Fish! Giving Your Staff a Leg-up on Technology
Click to view a PDF of the poster (Number: 201701)
Heather Oleniczak, Regis Vogel, Peg Lutz, Kinsey Bondy, Jason Kefalas, Paul Wiklanski
University service or operation: Office of University Development
Primary topic area: Collaboration, Instructional, Customer Service
Is your team struggling with technology challenges while a team just down the hall has a solution that no one else knows about?
The Office of University Development (OUD) launched the Performance Support Program (PSP) in 2012 to provide team-based technology support for OUD-wide collaboration and technology solutions. The PSP is a multi-disciplinary team comprised of individuals representing each of the 20+ departments within OUD. Learn about how the PSP addresses technology implementation and support issues by promoting a culture of self-directed learning and exploration, where members lead by example, infusing new technologies into OUD business processes.
Building Bridges to Give a Voice and Choice to Children Undergoing Pokes and Procedures
Click to view a PDF of the poster (Number: 100301)
Julie Piazza, Sandra Merkel, Mary Watson, Harry Neusius
University service or operation: Pediatric Clinical Areas both Inpatient and Ambulatory
Primary topic area: Communication, Collaboration, Instructional
Needlesticks and procedures often cause children pain and anxiety which may have both short-term and long-effects. Environmental elements and caregiver actions can affect a child's coping and pain response. The goal of the Poke Program is to give a voice and a choice to children and to collaborate with families to provide the best possible experience. A large body of data supports the use of a variety of strategies to decrease anxiety and pain associated with needlesticks and procedures. Many of these strategies, such as "Best Words", comfort positions, distraction are not always used by clinicians. The Poke Plan was developed by a multidisciplinary team and provides an evidence based framework for a child-centered individualized plan. Staff at the unit level took lead to implement, evaluate and sustain the program. Empowerment, education, sharing of lessons learned and partnerships have been effective strategies in implementing the Poke Plan in various settings. Building bridges, consultation and collaboration has facilitated the translation of the Poke Plan into health care settings at the University of Michigan Health System as well as other settings in the state.
Research Effort Tracking Application (RETA)
Click to view a PDF of the poster (Number: 203802)
Linda Beekman, Matt Innes, David Browning, Patty Bebee, Liz Vasher, Theresa Royce-Westcott
University service or operation: Clinical Trials Office
Primary topic area: Reporting
We developed the Research Effort Tracking Application, called RETA, for staff to track their effort by capturing all tasks completed for all research projects. Initially a desktop program, it was upgraded in 2008 to a web-based system to ensure ease of access and use by the clinical research teams. RETA is used as a mechanism to charge research accounts, certify effort, negotiate budgets, and adjust staffing. Data from RETA is also integrated with data from Clinical Trials Management System (VELOS) to provide reports and summarize information that is used at all levels; team, departmental, and institutional. The comprehensive data entered by an average of 30 data managers and regulators during 2006 through 2013 on an average of 261 therapeutic trials per year with total accruals averaging about 480 per year has allowed the Clinical Trials Office (CTO) to assess projects and provide projections at a level as yet unseen in the industry according to our literature search. This advancement has garnered the UMCCC CTO national attention.