Note: Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement should check their contract for information about time off.
The state of Michigan’s Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA) requires employers to offer paid sick time to eligible employees as of February 21, 2025. For most faculty and staff, the university’s existing paid time off policies comply with or exceed the requirements. But for temporary and part-time regular staff who do not have access to short-term sick time, vacation or PTO, ESTA will provide paid time off for medical absence from work.
Staff members, including temporary employees, will accrue one hour of ESTA earned sick time for every 30 hours worked. Staff began accruing time in February 2025. ESTA time is available for use for qualifying absences as of March 2025.
Temporary employees hired on or after February 21, 2025 must wait 120 calendar days before using accrued ESTA time.
Use - Temporary Employees and Regular Staff who do not receive paid time off benefits
Temporary employees and regular staff who do not receive a paid time off benefit may use ESTA earned sick time for any of the following reasons:
- The employee or a family member’s mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition, including medical diagnosis, care, or treatment.
- If the employee or a family member is a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault, for medical care or psychological or other counseling for physical or psychological injury or disability; to obtain services from a victim services organization; to relocate due to domestic violence or sexual assault; to obtain legal services; or to participate in any civil or criminal proceedings related to or resulting from the domestic violence or sexual assault.
- For meetings at a child’s school or place of care related to the child’s health or disability, or the effects of domestic violence or sexual assault on the child.
- For closure of the employee’s place of business by order of a public official due to a public health emergency; for an employee’s need to care for a child whose school or place of care has been closed by order of a public official due to a public health emergency; or when it has been determined by the health authorities having jurisdiction or by a health care provider that the employee’s or employee’s family member’s presence in the community would jeopardize the health of others because of the employee’s or family member’s exposure to a communicable disease, regardless of whether the employee or family member has actually contracted the communicable disease.
ESTA defines family member as:
- Biological, adopted or foster child, stepchild or legal ward, a child of a domestic partner, or a child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis
- Biological parent, foster parent, stepparent, or adoptive parent or a legal guardian of an employee or an employee’s spouse or domestic partner or a person who stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child
- Grandchild
- Grandparents
- Biological, foster, or adopted sibling
- Any other individual related by blood and those with a close association with the employee equivalent to a family member
- “Domestic partner” means an adult in a committed relationship with another adult, including both same-sex and different-sex relationships
- “Committed relationship” means one in which the employee and another individual share responsibility for a significant measure of each other’s common welfare, such as any relationship between individuals of the same or different sex that is granted legal recognition by a state, political subdivision, or the District of Columbia as a marriage or analogous relationship, including, but not limited to, a civil union.
When requesting earned sick time, you are expected to comply with your unit’s time reporting and approval procedures. In addition, as a temporary staff member you may request earned sick time only for hours you are scheduled to work.
Your supervisor may require you to provide documentation for absences greater than 3 consecutive days. The documentation should confirm that your absence meets the criteria for use of earned sick time. Documentation must be provided within 15 calendar days of the request. Documentation in support of an absence related to domestic violence or sexual assault may include a police report, a signed statement from a victim and witness advocate or a court document. Documentation may be a police report indicating the employee or the employee’s family member was a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault.
You may be disciplined for use of earned sick time if the reason for your absence is not an approved reason to use earned sick time. You may also be disciplined for use of earned sick time if you do not follow your unit’s policy regarding notice of absence from work.
Time Reporting
For time reporting purposes, use the code SCE to report Earned Sick Time. Your available bank of earned sick time will display as “ESTA-MI” on your timesheet and paystub.
Earned sick time should be reported on the timesheet for and will be charged to the department where the individual uses the hours, even if they accrued hours through a position in a different department.
Use - Campus Regular Staff Members who receive a paid time off benefit (short-term sick or PTO)
Earned sick time runs in conjunction with available paid time off. For campus employees that means earned sick time is paid from your available short-term sick balance. Many of the reasons that are eligible for use of earned sick time are also appropriate reasons to use short-term sick pay, with two exceptions:
Absences eligible for both ESTA and Short-Term Sick
If you are absent from work for one of the following reasons:
- Personal illness or injury
- Preventive medical and dental appointments
- To care for an incapacitated, ill or injured family member (defined as a spouse or other qualified adult; the child, sibling, parent, grandparent, grandchild or other individual whose care is the responsibility of the staff member, spouse, or other qualified adult)
- For purposes relating to domestic violence or sexual assault situations (for example, a court appearance)
- For purposes relating to closure of your primary worksite or child’s school by order of a public health official due to a public health emergency (note: does not include weather-related closure)
- For meetings at a child’s school or place of care related to the child’s health or disability, or the effects of domestic violence or sexual assault on the child
Time Reporting
Because these absences are eligible for both ESTA and short-term sick pay, you will first use available ESTA time and then access short-term sick (or sick from vacation time) as needed.
- If you have enough ESTA sick time to cover the entire period of absence, use ESTA (time reporting code STE).
- If you have ESTA sick time, but need to use short-term sick to help cover the remaining period of absence, use your available ESTA balance (time reporting code STE) and then use the appropriate short-term sick time reporting code for the remaining time.
- If you have available ESTA sick time and are out of short-term sick, use your available ESTA balance (time reporting code STE) and then report SVE (ESTA from vacation) for the remaining time.
Absences only eligible for ESTA
If you are absent from work for one of the following reasons:
- Your own or a family member’s exposure to a communicable disease
- To care for a domestic partner who does not meet the university’s definition of an Other Qualified Adult
Time Reporting
These absences are only eligible for ESTA and you must have enough ESTA to cover the entire period of absence. If you do not have enough ESTA time available, then you should follow your unit’s process for requesting vacation time to cover the remaining period of absence.
- If you have enough ESTA sick time to cover the entire period of absence, use ESTA (time reporting code STE).
- If you have available ESTA sick time and have received approval for vacation time, then report SVE (ESTA from vacation) for the remaining time.
When requesting earned sick time, you are expected to comply with your unit’s time reporting and approval procedures.
Your supervisor may require you to provide documentation for absences longer than 3 consecutive days. The documentation should confirm that your absence meets the criteria for the use of earned sick time. Documentation must be provided within 15 calendar days of the request. For absences related to domestic violence or sexual assault, acceptable documentation may include a police report, a signed statement from a victim and witness advocate or a court document.
You may be disciplined for use of earned sick time if the reason for your absence is not an approved reason to use earned sick time. You may also be disciplined for use of earned sick time if you do not follow your unit’s policy regarding notice of absence from work.
For ESTA details, view the general requirements poster provided by the state of Michigan.