Handle a tough negotiation with an internal or external client. Beforehand, learn as much as you can about them to better understand their viewpoint.
Handle a tough negotiation with an internal or external client. Beforehand, learn as much as you can about them to better understand their viewpoint.
Give a presentation on behalf of your department at a workshop or conference.
For your next important conversation, write bullet points beforehand highlighting the main points that you wish to convey. Practice expressing your points with a colleague and solicit feedback.
For two weeks, record your stress levels from 1-10 three times during the work day and notice any patterns. The second week, identify and use stress reduction techniques and reflect on positive changes to your stress levels.
For one day, notice when and how often you interrupt someone while they speak. Wait until they are finished before asking questions.
Follow up with a team member or leader who presented a project plan that you have questions about.
Focus on points of agreement to sift out the finer points of the conflict.
Familiarize yourself with the Michigan Expectations Model and choose an area in which to grow your competencies.
Facilitate a postmortem evaluation with your group on a failed project, and note how improvements can be made in the future.
Facilitate a family stretch goal (e.g., a big vacation) and the ways you will go about reaching it. Include milestones and a timeframe to achieve the goal. Hold someone accountable.