Create a mentoring or coaching program that will support the needs of staff and faculty.
Create a mentoring or coaching program that will support the needs of staff and faculty.
Create a goal for yourself to learn something or to train for a physical event. Write down a plan and a timeline to achieve this goal, including milestones. Invite someone to join you or to hold you accountable.
Create a communications coaching program for your unit.
Create a brief elevator speech about your role within the organization to someone you meet at a U-M class or event.
Craft concise messages pertaining to a change initiative in your unit.
Craft a compelling message to motivate people to donate to a cause that you are passionate about.
Consider three unexpected changes, write down opportunities they created to improve or restructure a process.
Consider situations when you do not fully understand, yet feel reluctant to speak up. Reflect on the reasons why.
Consider a process that needs addressing (e.g., moving). Research options and ask people for insights into the way they prepare for moving from one residence to another.
Consider a game that you enjoy playing. Research a new strategy to use for the next time you play and reflect upon your success.