Offer to share duties with a rising leader in a professional or community organization in which you hold a leadership role.
Offer to share duties with a rising leader in a professional or community organization in which you hold a leadership role.
Offer to research U-M Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Resources with a faculty or staff member who has confided in you about an inappropriate interaction with a coworker.
Offer to research a new product or service to be offered by your unit.
Offer to introduce people to others who may be able to support them in someway (e.g., recommending a neighborhood teen in search of babysitting work).
Offer to help a colleague (e.g., proofread a document, look up directions for an event).
Offer to coach a junior staff member or intern with a behavioral performance issue or skill.
Offer directions to someone who is lost.
Offer assistance to someone who appears to be lost.
Meet with your mentee to go over their stretch goals and plans to achieve them. Offer guidance and support as needed.
Meet with direct reports to review their Individual Development Plan (IDP) and go over their stretch goals and processes to achieve them. Check in periodically to learn their progress.