Lead a community service team.
Lead a community service team.
Lead a change initiative within a non-profit organization that requires buy-in from other leaders.
Keep an open mind around those you work with, avoid assumptions that they share the same practices as you (e.g., the same holidays, diets, or family structure).
Jot a few notes or talking points before you meet someone for a difficult conversation. Practice with someone ahead of time.
Join the public relations or communications committee of an organization outside of work to hone communication skills.
Join and get involved with a professional organization.
Invite others to review and offer input on a document or website that you are creating for a particular audience.
Invite colleagues to listen to and discuss a Michelle Quaid Positive Psychology podcast about change.
Invite a friend or family member with whom you are having a dispute to go out for coffee to seek better understanding of their perspectives and engage in a thoughtful conversation.
Invite a colleague from another unit to teach you a skill that you could use on the job.