Meet with a person outside of the university whom you see as a very good communicator to learn tips and suggestions.
Meet with a person outside of the university whom you see as a very good communicator to learn tips and suggestions.
Meet with a direct report who is going on a medical leave to review resources available to them. (e.g., UHR Return to Work Resources , FASCCO).
Meet with a colleague who demonstrates an effective communication style and ask them for tips and strategies.
Meet with a colleague or leader who is a successful inspirational and focused communicator to learn tips and tricks. Ask them to read and comment upon a message that you are trying to convey to your team.
Manage a project that requires resources from outside of your unit.
Look through the menu of Steve Robbins self-awareness videos and select three to watch. Reflect on the videos and how they apply to you.
Look through The Book of Beautiful Questions and select a few to use the next time you are in a setting where you know few people.
Listen from the heart to a friend or family member experiencing a great challenge or set back.
List the five most important core values you live by and how you think you positively exhibit them. Ask a colleague or your supervisor for their input.
Learn the organizational workings of your unit, and identify the decision makers and the best means to communicate with them (e.g., directly or through an assistant).