Subscribe to the HBR Ideacast and listen to an episode that pertains to addressing employee performance.
Subscribe to the HBR Ideacast and listen to an episode that pertains to addressing employee performance.
Subscribe to Michelle Quaid's Power of Positive Psychology Podcast and listen to an episode pertaining to this topic. Share your findings with a peer.
Submit an article to a professional organization's magazine about U-M's DEI programs, your responsibilities as a leader to promote the initiative, and success stories.
Spearhead a group of employees to participate in an event sponsored by a professional organization.
Speak up in group discussions and meetings. If that is uncomfortable, discuss strategies with your direct supervisor.
Speak up during a family or group conversation, politely sharing your point of view. Be sure to listen actively and empathically before making your comment.
Speak to your HR representative or use resources provided by UHR to incorporate inclusive practices during the job posting process.
Sign up to be a tutor for a youth organization or with a non-profit serving adults.
Share your experiences using the Michigan Expectations Model for your last hiring process.
Share with your team what you know about skills and jobs that will be valued in the future. Strategize with direct reports ways in which they can grow more adept at meeting future needs.