

The next time you approach a group of people engaged in a conversation, try not interrupt them. If you must, use respectful language (e.g., "Excuse me").


Talk with your direct reports about what excitement on the job looks like to them and assign more challenging assignments and a greater variety of opportunities.


Support your team. Advocate for them and use your networks to locate tools or resources they need to be successful.


The next time that you feel that someone is in conflict with you, ask them if they have a few minutes. Using active listening and open body language, share that you are feeling tension and would like them to share with you. Listen and pause before commenting.


The next time that silence falls on a meeting when comments are expected, ask a participant for their point of view.


Talk to your supervisor about appropriate unit committees to serve on and how to go about joining one.


Talk to the next person you are in conflict with. Address events or behaviors, not personality and identify areas of agreement and disagreement.


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