

Reflect on your biases. What are they and how could they impact your interactions with others? Develop a goal pertaining to mitigating one bias. Check your progress weekly.


Reflect on ways that your team members strengths can be leveraged for improved team performance and make changes accordingly.


Reflect on and assess your strengths and type or write them into columns. Consider the following areas: technical skills, social competencies, professionalism, time management, organization, follow through, proactive or reactive. Share your list or table with your supervisor and ask for feedback.


Reflect how everyone on your team matters and how you can support them to develop. Use their Michigan Expectations Model Self Assessment results and Individual Development Plan (IDP) as starting points.


Reflect on and identify the strengths, efforts and contributions of your direct team members to effectively delegate work.


Read your unit's DEI plan and meet with your DEI lead to better understand priorities and to communicate those priorities throughout your unit.


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