Volunteer to recruit and facilitate a team comprised of faculty and staff across university campuses with the aim of effectively addressing a university initiative.
Volunteer to recruit and facilitate a team comprised of faculty and staff across university campuses with the aim of effectively addressing a university initiative.
Volunteer to present a brief tip at a staff meeting.
Volunteer to participate on a committee within your unit.
Volunteer to mentor someone outside of the university. Understand their goals and expectations in order to tailor your approach.
Volunteer to lead a subgroup within a U-M group you are involved with.
Volunteer to help turn around an underperforming community organization.
Volunteer to coach a colleague within the university about a skill or area of expertise that you possess.
Volunteer to advise a team stuck on a project.
Volunteer on an outreach project with a non-profit organization.
Volunteer for an activity with senior citizens or children.