Foster and promote diverse teams

We build trusting relationships with team members through respectful and thoughtful interactions and demonstrate intercultural responsiveness


Input a survey comment the next time you take a survey sent by a U-M entity. Think of ways to word the comment with constructive, proactive feedback and use that method.


Incorporate DEI behavioral questions in interviews (e.g., Describe a situation where others you were working with disagreed with your ideas. How did you respond?).


Include information about your unit's DEI initiative and activities in the early stages of your new employee's onboarding.


If you disagree, avoid personality attacks. Instead try something like, "I see your point, however I disagree. This is why...".


If someone vents to you, try to put yourself in their shoes to better understand their perspective. Agree that their situation sounds rough or frustrating.


If a group of people is interviewing a candidate, allow for 1-1 interviews instead of with the entire group.


Identify those who are successful at developing their direct reports. Learn what they do. Reflect how those methods could be carried across the unit(s).


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