Foster and promote diverse teams

We build trusting relationships with team members through respectful and thoughtful interactions and demonstrate intercultural responsiveness


The next time you approach a group of people engaged in a conversation, try not interrupt them. If you must, use respectful language (e.g., "Excuse me").


The next time that silence falls on a meeting when comments are expected, ask a participant for their point of view.


Share feedback from related experiences if appropriate (e.g., "Several years ago I recall a similar situation, and this is what happened.").


Speak up in group discussions and meetings. If that is uncomfortable, discuss strategies with your direct supervisor.


Speak up during a family or group conversation, politely sharing your point of view. Be sure to listen actively and empathically before making your comment.


Share success stories with your mentee of hiring people from outside of the organization as a means to promote diversity and innovation.


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