Volunteer in a leadership capacity for a non-profit organization.
Volunteer in a leadership capacity for a non-profit organization.
Volunteer for stretch tasks and assignments.
Volunteer for assignments outside of your area of comfort.
Volunteer for an activity with senior citizens or children.
Volunteer for a leadership role in a national organization with state or regional chapters.
Visit teams within your unit to communicate goals and the reasoning behind them. Invite questions, either at that time or via email, so that the goals are understood by all.
Visit different teams within your unit to learn about work flow and skills and experiences that are required.
Visit another department or unit to learn about processes that are different than those in your unit yet serve the same purpose.
Videotape a rehearsal of a presentation that you are giving. Check your gestures, body language, tone of voice and speed of speech to see if they align with the message and level of inspiration that you want to convey.
Utilize the Michigan Expectations Model to convey U-M behavior expectations throughout the job hiring process.