Find something positive and noteworthy in everyone's performance and share it with them.
Find something positive and noteworthy in everyone's performance and share it with them.
Find and assign specialized leadership assignments for reports (e.g., managing a large project, making a presentation on behalf of the university, sitting on a high-level hire).
Familiarize yourself with the resources and tools offered by the U-M Work-Life Resource Center and invite a representative to speak to your team.
Familiarize yourself with the Michigan Expectations Model and choose an area in which to grow your competencies.
Facilitate the creation of a cross functional staff development forum that seeks to break down barriers (silos), showcase best practices, and share talent.
Facilitate the creation of a mission statement for an organization your are involved in. Throughout the process, request feedback on potential obstacles and alternatives. Revisit the statement annually.
Facilitate the creation of a short and long-term strategic plan for your unit.
Facilitate basic ground rules with a book club or game group you are involved in.
Facilitate an onboarding strategic plan with organization where you volunteer that has high turnover.
Facilitate a professional development program for an organization that you volunteer with.