Give a presentation about your unit's product or service at a Rotary or other community organization meeting.
Give a presentation about your unit's product or service at a Rotary or other community organization meeting.
Generate two personal goals that you can attain within the next year and create an action plan to reach them. Ask someone to hold you accountable.
Generate a checklist or information sheet for someone who is replacing you on a committee.
Generate a challenging goal for a group that you are involved in on campus. Hold your team accountable.
For your next important conversation, write bullet points beforehand highlighting the main points that you wish to convey. Practice expressing your points with a colleague and solicit feedback.
For two weeks, record your stress levels from 1-10 three times during the work day and notice any patterns. The second week, identify and use stress reduction techniques and reflect on positive changes to your stress levels.
For one day, notice when and how often you interrupt someone while they speak. Wait until they are finished before asking questions.
For a professional organization that you belong to, plan and run a panel discussion about talent management systems, talent pipelines and succession planning.
For a professional organization in which you are involved, volunteer to orchestrate a panel discussion about successful feedback processes and feedback systems in your industry or line of work.
For a professional organization in which you are involved, agree to address and work on a process or policy that requires review and revision.