Request feedback from people with different perspectives than you about a product that you are submitting or a service that you provide.
Request feedback from people with different perspectives than you about a product that you are submitting or a service that you provide.
Request and encourage feedback from diverse people within a U-M task force or committee that you are involved in.
Repurpose an item at home to perform a different function.
Represent your unit at university and community events.
Represent your department on a committee to review organizational priorities.
Represent the university at a DEI-related local or regional event.
Repeat the directions that someone gives you, and ask if you heard correctly.
Remind yourself not to take your next setback or challenge personally.
Relaunch an existing product, service, or process that needs to be addressed. Solicit input from end users and explore ideas not attempted before to make adjustments. Consider bringing in others from outside of your immediate group to brainstorm new ideas.
Regularly request or propose hypothetical situations to encourage and foster diverse viewpoints and feedback.